Lucene, Solr,
We have Muse set-up and enabled on your project and it’s ready for the bug
bash during ApacheCon.  For anyone interested in participating, we’d love
to have you, and you can register via our eventbrite link.


On Wed, Sep 23, 2020 at 8:56 AM Tom DuBuisson <> wrote:

> Lucene Developers,
> As part of our sponsorship of ApacheCon, our company MuseDev is doing a
> Bug Bash for select Apache projects. We'll bring members of the ApacheCon
> community together to find and fix a range of security and performance bugs
> during the conference, and gameify the experience with teams, a
> leaderboard, and prizes. The bash is open to everyone whether attending the
> conference or not, and our whole dev team will also be participating to
> help fix as many bugs as we can.
> We're seeding the bug list with results from Muse, our code analysis
> platform, which runs as a Github App and comments on possible bugs as part
> of the pull request workflow.  Here's an example of what it looks like:
> We explored a number of Apache projects and are reaching out because our
> analysis through Muse found some interesting bugs that could be fixed
> during the Bash.  If this sounds familiar it's because I've been talking a
> bit on this mailing list about Muse already. There has already been a bug
> fix based on the tool findings, a prior conversation "Code Analysis during
> CI?", and a PR adding configuration information for the GitHub App.
> We're writing to see if you'd be interested in having your project
> included in the Bash. Everything is set up on our end, and while we're
> already working with the infrastructure team to get lucene-solr added (with
> the PR and other conversation as evidence of support) it would help if you
> say yes on this listserv as a clear signal to the Apache Infrastructure
> team to grant Muse access to your Github mirror.
> We'll then make sure it's all set-up and ready for the Bash. And of
> course, everyone on the project is most welcome to join the Bash and help
> us smash some bugs.
> -Tom

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