Hi David,

[ not a review ]

> On 20 Dec 2021, at 14:54, Dawid Weiss <dawid.we...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I've completed the task of getting the test framework to not share any 
> packages with Lucene core - this is here:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-10301 
> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-10301>
> https://github.com/apache/lucene/pull/551 
> <https://github.com/apache/lucene/pull/551>
> Basically everything remains the same, except for the changed package prefix. 
> The patch is rather large because it cuts across all of the code (imports, 
> mostly). There are also some minor tweaks to expose package-private internals 
> in the core to the test framework, now residing in a different package.

I think that the approach is reasonable (to inject ’test’ into the package name 
between the reverse DNS prefix and the specific logical technology suffix). 
I’ve played a little with similar in the Elasticsearch codebase - but not yet 
advanced it to a point that eliminates all split packages.

TestSecrets also seems reasonable. It’s a pity that it intrudes somewhat on the 
actual product code, but not to any extent that would be concerning.

It’s great that you can now have a test_framework module. And, from what I can 
see, the moduleXXX configurations that you introduced recently work just fine 
for the Gradle dependency configuration. ( I wish that we were at a similar 
point in ES, but recent distractions have slowed progress :-( )

Once this is in, then it will be possible to patch area specific unit tests 
into the actual product module and `require` the framework, right? And if we 
had that, it’s not a big leap to maybe refactor some of the secrets to be 
injected too ( but I accept that that is not really necessary either, and I’m 
not sure how the IDEs or Gradle would like this )


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