I love the gray all text UI. Don't change it! But I wonder if it's time for
a favicon?

On Tue, Feb 20, 2024, 4:40 AM Adrien Grand <jpou...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Very cool, thank you Mike!
> On Mon, Feb 19, 2024 at 5:40 PM Michael McCandless <
> luc...@mikemccandless.com> wrote:
>> Hi Team,
>> ~1.5 years ago (August 2022) we migrated our Lucene issue tracking from
>> Jira to GitHub. Thank you Tomoko for all the hard work doing such a
>> complex, multi-phased, high-fidelity migration!
>> I finally finished also migrating jirasearch to GitHub:
>> githubsearch.mikemccandless.com. It was tricky because GitHub issues/PRs
>> are fundamentally more complex than Jira's data model, and the GitHub REST
>> API is also quite rich / heavily normalized. All of the source code for
>> githubsearch lives here
>> <https://github.com/mikemccand/luceneserver/tree/master/examples/githubsearch>.
>> The UI remains its barebones self ;)
>> Githubsearch
>> <https://github.com/mikemccand/luceneserver/tree/master/examples/githubsearch>
>> is dog food for us: it showcases Lucene (currently 9.8.0), and many of its
>> fun features like infix autosuggest, block join queries (each comment is a
>> sub-document on the issue/PR), DrillSideways faceting, near-real-time
>> indexing/searching, synonyms (try “oome
>> <https://githubsearch.mikemccandless.com/search.py?text=oome&dd=status%3AOpen>”),
>> expressions, non-relevance and blended-relevance sort, etc.  (This old
>> blog post
>> <https://blog.mikemccandless.com/2016/10/jiraseseach-20-dog-food-using-lucene-to.html>
>>  goes
>> into detail.)  Plus, it’s meta-fun to use Lucene to search its own issues,
>> to help us be more productive in improving Lucene!  Nicely recursive.
>> In addition to good ol’ searching by text, githubsearch
>> <https://githubsearch.mikemccandless.com/> has some new/fun features:
>>    - Drill down to just PRs or issues
>>    - Filter by “review requested” for a given user: poor Adrien has 8
>>    (open) now
>> <https://githubsearch.mikemccandless.com/search.py?sort=recentlyUpdated&dd=status%3AOpen&dd=requested_reviewers%3Ajpountz>
>>    (sorry)! Or see your mentions (Robert is mentioned in 27 open
>>    issues/PRs
>> <https://githubsearch.mikemccandless.com/search.py?sort=recentlyUpdated&dd=status%3AOpen&dd=mentioned_users%3Armuir>).
>>    Or PRs that you reviewed (Uwe has reviewed 9 still-open PRs
>> <https://githubsearch.mikemccandless.com/search.py?sort=recentlyUpdated&dd=status%3AOpen&dd=reviewed_users%3Auschindler>).
>>    Or issues and PRs where a user has had any involvement at all (Dawid
>>    has interacted on 197 issues/PRs
>> <https://githubsearch.mikemccandless.com/search.py?sort=recentlyUpdated&dd=reviewed_users%3Adweiss>
>>    ).
>>    - Find still-open PRs that were created by a New Contributor
>> <https://githubsearch.mikemccandless.com/search.py?chg=dds&text=&a1=author_association&a2=New+contributor&page=0&searcher=25792&sort=recentlyUpdated&format=list&id=cjhfx60attlt&dd=status%3AOpen&newText=>
>>    (an author who has no changes merged into our repository) or
>>    Contributor
>> <https://githubsearch.mikemccandless.com/search.py?sort=recentlyUpdated&dd=status%3AOpen&dd=author_association%3AContributor>
>>    (non-committer who has had some changes merged into our repository) or
>>    Member
>> <https://githubsearch.mikemccandless.com/search.py?sort=recentlyUpdated&dd=status%3AOpen&dd=author_association%3AMember>
>>    - Here are the uber-stale (last touched more than a month ago) open
>>    PRs by outside contributors
>> <https://githubsearch.mikemccandless.com/search.py?sort=recentlyUpdated&dd=status%3AOpen&dd=author_association%3ANew+contributor%2CContributor%2CNone&dd=updated_ago%3A%3E+1+month+ago&dd=issue_or_pr%3APR>.
>>    We should ideally keep this at 0, but it’s 83 now!
>>    - “Link to this search” to get a short-er, more permanent URL (it is
>>    NOT a URL shortener, though!)
>>    - Save named searches you frequently run (they just save to local
>>    cookie state on that one browser)
>> I’m sure there are exciting bugs, feedback/patches welcome!  If you see
>> problems, please reply to this email or file an issue here
>> <https://github.com/mikemccand/luceneserver/issues>.
>> Note that jirasearch <https://jirasearch.mikemccandless.com/search.py>
>> remains running, to search Solr, Tika and Infra issues.
>> Happy Searching,
>> Mike McCandless
>> http://blog.mikemccandless.com
> --
> Adrien

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