Steve Molloy skrev:
I really hate duplicating code
I love you :-)
Unless there's a way to get the original message before it's unmarshaled into the QueryResponse, in which case I'd be more than happy to use that as-is. J
Ha ha. Just had a short look at the code, and tried to hack it, but got tired, so I didnt complete or test it. But maybe this will help you (completely untested - dont even know if it will compile):

CloudSolrServer client = new CloudSolrServer(<zk-connect-string>, new LBHttpSolrServer(null) {
protected HttpSolrServer makeServer(String baseUrl) throws MalformedURLException { return new HttpSolrServer(baseUrl, getHttpClient(), null) {
public NamedList<Object> request(final SolrRequest request) throws SolrServerException, IOException {
                                   return request(request, null);
InputStream responseDirectlyFromWire = (InputStream)client.query(<query>).getResponse().get("stream");

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