I did RTFM. And in common-build.xml these lines are specified:

<mkdir dir="@{tempDir}/temp" />


Sorry for being short in my emails, but I thought you understood that I'm
not "just talking". So dir=tempDir, be it java.io.tempdir or whatever you
set when invoking ant.
And I did that in my build.xml, and invoked the build w/
-DtempDir=/mnt/tmp/job1 (that's a ramfs), but got FNFE. After I created
/mnt/tmp/job1, everything worked.

I don't know why this mkdirs() didn't create the full path. I'm using the
runner for Lucene 4.0, maybe it didn't call mkdirs() then?
Also, I see in Lucene's common-build.xml an explicit call to mkdir
@tempDir/temp, which create @tempDir too, maybe that's why Lucene never hit
an exception?

Anyway, thx for the responses. I'll add this mkdir call to my ant build
file just to make sure that this directory is there.


On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 12:01 PM, Dawid Weiss

> > I don't understand. I assume the runner does something like new
> > File("java.io.tmpdir", "J0")? If it called mkdirs(), this should have
> > created all the path components.
> J0, J1 and other per-VM folders are created relative to 'dir'
> attribute, not 'java.io.tmpdir' or tempDir, RTFM :)
> http://labs.carrotsearch.com/download/randomizedtesting/2.0.0/docs/junit4-ant/Tasks/junit4.html
> > Unless it doesn't call mkdirs().
> It does.
>     if (isolateWorkingDirectories) {
>       slaveDir = new File(baseDir, "J" + slaveInfo.id);
>       slaveDir.mkdirs();
> D.
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