> I did RTFM.

Just joking.

> So dir=tempDir, be it java.io.tempdir or whatever you set when invoking ant.
> [snip]
> -DtempDir=/mnt/tmp/job1

There is a crucial difference. Lucene sets this to a temporary folder
underneath the checkout structure. So every checkout (as in a jenkins
plan or something) will have a different folder. The reason for
creating a sub-folder for the temporary junit4 files is the security
manager -- to allow all JVMs to write to the tempdir (that's how event
files are propagated to the master node for aggregation) and at the
same time disallow them to write anywhere else but their own current
working directory. So you end up with a folder structure like this:


the key for you is to isolate "parent" so you can't just point it to
the same folder across all JVMs. Whether you do this from ANT or from
command-line is up to you.

> I don't know why this mkdirs() didn't create the full path. I'm using the
> runner for Lucene 4.0, maybe it didn't call mkdirs() then?

I'm sure it does. Maybe it didn't have permissions or something? Or
maybe it wasn't the mkdirs that was the problem? Or maybe there's a
bug lurking somewhere. If you can reproduce it, file an issue, I'll
take a look.


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