On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 2:22 PM, Dawid Weiss
<dawid.we...@cs.put.poznan.pl> wrote:
>> Wait, I think it is an error :)  Yes, a hard to fix error (our test
>> infra is complex), but still an error.
> It's a mistake in the filter declaration, not an error in its application.

The difference is really an implementation detail :)

I just want to run one test; that this is a 2-step process (append
wildcard & apply filter, execute tests that matched that filter) ...
is not important to the user.

>> It's like "javac foo.java" returning successfully when foo.java doesn't 
>> exist.
> I don't think this is particularly matching since filters are pattern
> matching. It's more like:
> grep "nonexistent" < input
> returning an error just because a pattern didn't occur in input.

Well, javac foo*.java does result in an error, if no files match
foo*.java.  Ie javac is angry that it had nothing to compile.

> Like I said -- I'm really indifferent to this, I can add it. I just
> don't think we should cater for all the possible typos and errors one
> can make - this would be insane.

OK, thanks for opening the "wish" issue.

I just wish more devs were able to help out on our test infra ... it
shouldn't have to be you always responding to our crazy feature

Mike McCandless


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