
On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 2:42 PM, Michael Della Bitta <
michael.della.bi...@appinions.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 2:03 PM, Erick Erickson <erickerick...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> If someone could outline, in concrete terms, the workflow that would make
>> Git help make my life easier, or outline why staying with SVN is going to
>> slow people down or turn people off, it would be a great help
> I guess speaking as someone who wouldn't mind contributing here or there,
> the current situation is pretty awkward. I'd have to post a patch to JIRA
> and hope it got some attention and rolled in in time before trunk moved
> along and the patch didn't work right anymore. And if that happens, there's
> really no system for tracking what had happened; I'd have to start over
> with a new patch.
> That's a *lot* less compelling to me than the ability of creating my own
> branch in a public arena, possibly collaborating with another person on a
> change, and then issuing a pull request. Plus, there's a public record of
> the work, and it's easy for another user to take up my changes without
> having to find the patch in JIRA and run it themselves.

2 Qs from a Git noob:
* PRs are a *Github* thing, not a Git thing, right?
* Don't PRs suffer from the same problem as patches in JIRA - if nobody
acts on them for a while they get stale?  Or is this where some Git magic
comes in and a developer can very quickly and easily bring the patch in the
PR up to date?


> I'm not saying that Solr or Lucene's source control infrastructure has to
> cater necessarily to someone like me or doom will happen, but I did want to
> put forth this point of view.
> Michael Della Bitta
> Applications Developer
> o: +1 646 532 3062  | c: +1 917 477 7906
> appinions inc.
> “The Science of Influence Marketing”
> 18 East 41st Street
> New York, NY 10017
> t: @appinions <https://twitter.com/Appinions> | g+:
> plus.google.com/appinions<https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/112002776285509593336/112002776285509593336/posts>
> w: appinions.com <http://www.appinions.com/>

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