On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 2:13 PM, Dmitriy Lyubimov <dlie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes, i think this one is in terms of documentation.

I meant, this patch one is going in in terms of its effects for API
and their docs.

> Wiki technically doesn't require annotation to be useful in describing
> method use though.
> No plans for command line as of the moment as far as i know. What you
> would suggest people should see there in addition to what they cannot
> see on wiki?
>> When you're just trying out a package - especially one where a prime
>> benefit you're hoping for is scalability - and you hit an unadvertised
>> limit in scaling, there's a strong tendency to write off the entire
>> project as "not quite ready". Especially when you don't have a lot of
>> time dig into code to understand problems.
> I am not sure about this. Mahout is very much like R or sciPy, i.e. a
> data representation framework that glues a collection of methods
> ranging widely in their performance (and, in this case, yes, maturity,
> that's why it is not a 1.0 project yet). I see what you are saying but
> in the same time I also cannot figure why would anybody be tempted to
> write off an R as a whole just because some of its numerous packages
> provides an implementation that scales less or less accurate than
> other implementations in R.
> Also as far as i understand advices against Naive Bayes are generally
> not due to quality of its implementation in Mahout but are rather
> based on characteristics of this method as opposed to SGD and the
> stated problem. NB is easy to implement and that's why it's popular,
> but not because it is a swiss army knife. Therefore, they generally
> would be true Mahout or not.
> -D

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