I have a gazillion streams of wireless call control data coming in from a gazillions of M2M (Machine-to-Machine) devices. These device data belong to different customers of ours all intermingled together when we (as a Wireless Carrier) receive them e.g. All the devices that belong to Company A are sending these data to us together with companies' B, C, D, E..... etc. simultaneously. Its Hadoop data right now.

I want to be able to detect problems from these records coming in pertaining to each and every company. For example, normally if 7 records coming in are the same and the 8th one was the end-puof-session record, we know that a device might have made requests repeatedly to connect to a network but failed, I want to be able to tell or predict what is happening or what will happen based on the sequence of events (as records coming in all mixed up) on a per device basis. I will also check some key value indicators e.g. Signal Strength and together with the pattern recognized (i.e. the call sequence expressed as records coming in all mixed up with all other call sequence and all other devices) to determine if we can fix up something before it happens.

So basically, I envision classifying or clustering records that belong to one device and the device belongs to a particular company. Knowing what records coming in and compare to the training pattern that I fed in (i.e. the expected record sequence), I should be able to tell which device from which company is misbehaving and why or which device from which company is about to be bumped out from a cell tower because of this tower's traffic saturation.

Hope I am not too confusing.

If Mahout can do what I am looking for and I don't need to use FANN, that'd be splendid. But, I'd like to find a source to tell me exactly how I can implement it if Mahout is my solution candidate.

Many Thanks in advance....Mimi

-----Original Message----- From: Ted Dunning
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2013 4:40 PM
To: Mahout Dev List
Subject: Re: Can Mahout do pattern recognition?

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 4:07 PM, Mimi Tam <mimi....@ieee.org> wrote:

Please if you will direct me to where I can find out how this can be done.

Right here is a good place.

But you have to give to get.  What kind of data do you have?  What does
similar mean? What kinds of clustering do you want to do? Why?

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