This sounds like something Storm was purpose-built for:

It lets you do computation on streams coming in.

Hope this helps.

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 2:27 PM, Mimi Tam <> wrote:

> I have a gazillion streams of wireless call control data coming in from a
> gazillions of M2M (Machine-to-Machine) devices. These device data belong to
> different customers of ours all intermingled together when we (as a
> Wireless Carrier) receive them e.g. All the devices that belong to Company
> A are sending these data to us together with companies' B, C, D, E.....
> etc. simultaneously. Its Hadoop data right now.
> I want to be able to detect problems from these records coming in
> pertaining to each and every company. For example, normally if 7 records
> coming in are the same and the 8th one was the end-puof-session record, we
> know that a device might have made requests repeatedly to connect to a
> network but failed, I want to be able to tell or predict what is happening
> or what will happen based on the sequence of events (as records coming in
> all mixed up) on a per device basis. I will also check some key value
> indicators e.g. Signal Strength and together with the pattern recognized
> (i.e. the call sequence expressed as records coming in all mixed up with
> all other call sequence and all other devices) to determine if we can fix
> up something before it happens.
> So basically, I envision classifying or clustering records that belong to
> one device and the device belongs to a particular company. Knowing what
> records coming in and compare to the training pattern that I fed in (i.e.
> the expected record sequence), I should be able to tell which device from
> which company is misbehaving and why or which device from which company is
> about to be bumped out from a cell tower because of this tower's traffic
> saturation.
> Hope I am not too confusing.
> If Mahout can do what I am looking for and I don't need to use FANN,
> that'd be splendid. But, I'd like to find a source to tell me exactly how I
> can implement it if Mahout is my solution candidate.
> Many Thanks in advance....Mimi
> -----Original Message----- From: Ted Dunning
> Sent: Friday, May 31, 2013 4:40 PM
> To: Mahout Dev List
> Subject: Re: Can Mahout do pattern recognition?
> On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 4:07 PM, Mimi Tam <> wrote:
>  Please if you will direct me to where I can find out how this can be done.
> Right here is a good place.
> But you have to give to get.  What kind of data do you have?  What does
> similar mean?  What kinds of clustering do you want to do?  Why?

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