(5) Another thing i would suggest is to look at feature prep
standartization -- outlier detection, scaling, hash-tricking etc. etc.
Again, with abilities to customize, or it would be useless.

On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 6:08 PM, Dmitriy Lyubimov <dlie...@gmail.com> wrote:

> If we approach this form purely "marketing" standpoint, i would look at it
> from two points: why is Mahout used, and why it is not used.
> Mahout is not used because it is a collection of methods that are fairly
> non-uniform in their api, especially embedded api, and generaly has zero
> encouragement to be developed on top on and incorporated in yet larger
> customizable models. I.e. it lacks semantic explicitness of quick
> prototyping, and stitching things together is next to impossible.
> Yet Mahout is used in spite of the above because it has some pretty unique
> solvers in the area of linear algebra and text topical analysis. But I
> would dare to say not e.g. because of GLM regressions.
> I personally also use Mahout e.g. in favor of something like breeze
> because it has sparse linalg support, both in-core and out-of-core, from
> the very beginning and it fits naturally unlike in any other package i ever
> looked at, R including btw.
> But i find myself heavily disassembling Mahouts into parts and bolts
> rather than exactly how e.g. MIA prescribes it.
> Bottom line here, preliminarily primary issues are ease of use,
> embedment/scripting, ease of customization, uniformity of apis.
> (1) Take semantic explicitness and scripting issue. Well i guess that's
> where the R part comes from, not because we just want to run R. I would
> clear it right away -- i don't support any sort of R integration. And not
> really because of lack of trying -- I have created a few R front ends for a
> bunch of distributed applications, and also created projects that run R in
> the backend (I wrote CrunchR more than year ago which is the same thing for
> Crunch as what SparkR is for Spark; and yet-another MR framework running R
> in backend; and also tried to run things with HadoopR). And have developed
> a pretty strong opinion that R just doesn't mix with distributed
> frameworks, mostly because of the performance penalities (and if you loose
> $5 per day in performance on a single machine it may be ok, but in 100
> machines one loses $500 a day -- and mid size companies in my experience
>  are not succeptible to 'let's solve it at any HW cost" doctrine, much as
> it is generally believed the other way around.
> Anyway, on R toptic i don't see it as a solution for any sort of
> semantically explicit driver and customizer technology. There's neither
> demand nor willingness of corporate bosses to go that route. I grew pretty
> opinionated on that issue.
> But you don't need R to address semantical explicitness, customization and
> ease of integration/scripting. Pragmatically, i see scala and carefully
> crafted scala dsl as the underlying mechanism for achieving this. Also,
> internally i use scala scripting a lot and it is really easy to build shell
> interpreter for it (just like spark builds a customized shell), so one
> doesn't even need to compile these things necessarily.
> Bottom line, ideally distributed solver implementation should look more
> like matlab than java. And I would measure that goal along the lines of
> Evan Sparks' talks (i.e. in lines of code and explicitness needed to script
> out a well known method).
> See, you forced my hand to discuss solutions ("how")  :)
> (2) on the issue of minimally supported algorithms. Again, i would not see
> mlib as a prototype there.Given enough semantical explicitness, virtually
> any data scientist would script out ALS in their sleep. And every second
> one would script out weighted ALS (so called "implicit feedback). I view
> those algorithms not as a goal but rather as a guinea pig for validating
> semantical value of ML environment and apis. I would port stronger solvers
> into the new semantic ML environment over Spark rather than trying to cover
> the very "basics".
> Pragmatically i would say it would be interesting and pragmatical (for me)
> to have LDA/LSA/sparse PCA solvers ported. I would also port all clustering
> we have (albeit may be not exactly following the methodology).
> I would be also interested in giving foundation for customized
> hierarchical solutions along the lines of RLFM with various customizations
> including in particular temporal weighing of inference and customized
> inference of informative priors there. Computational Bayesian methods along
> the lines of MCEM and MCMC are said to provide a very accurate solutions
> here.The latter class of models IMO are much more interesting for
> practitioners of recommendations than pure rigid uncustomizable ALS class
> of models, weighed or not. At least Deepak Agarwal sounds very convincing
> in his talks.
> (3) on the issue of performance, i guess by using Spark bindings dsl you
> can't do any worse than mllib. Perhaps we could include also support for
> Dense JBlas matrices under hood of Matrix API if of interested. Also i am
> hearing using GPU libraries lately is becoming also very popular for
> performance reasons, up to 300x lin alg speed ups are reported. There are
> some fancy thoughts about cost-based optimization of algeraic expressions
> for distributed pipelines, but for the first start I will do just very
> simple physical plan substitutions (something like if i directly see A'A as
> a part of expression, or if A'B' product has small geometry then of course
> i'd rather do (BA)' etc.
> But it has potential to do more while retaining absolute degree of
> manually forced execution (thru forced checkpoints). It's just i would stop
> what i pragmatically need to script out distributed SSVD at this point.
> (4) but in general i would say the scope of your issues sounds like
> something that would close a gap between 0.5 and 1.0 rather than 0.9 and
> 1.0.
> -d
> On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 4:37 PM, Ted Dunning <ted.dunn...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> I would like to start a conversation about where we want Mahout to be for
>> 1.0.  Let's suspend for the moment the question of how to achieve the
>> goals.  Instead, let's converge on what we really would like to have
>> happen
>> and after that, let's talk about means that will get us there.
>> Here are some goals that I think would be good in the area of numerics,
>> classifiers and clustering:
>> - runs with or without Hadoop
>> - runs with or without map-reduce
>> - includes (at least), regularized generalized linear models, k-means,
>> random forest, distributed random forest, distributed neural networks
>> - reasonably competitive speed against other implementations including
>> graphlab, mlib and R.
>> - interactive model building
>> - models can be exported as code or data
>> - simple programming model
>> - programmable via Java or R
>> - runs clustered or not
>> What does everybody think?

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