I believe there was an announcement that went out last month about Apache SF 
embracing github. - 

Guess this is more of an INFRA task than anything we need to do (like the 
recent setting up of svnpubsub for future releases).

I can create an INFRA jira and wait for INFRA to take respond.

On Tuesday, March 4, 2014 6:03 PM, Andrew Musselman 
<andrew.mussel...@gmail.com> wrote:
One of my big wishlist items is to move Mahout to Github for workflow and
community features.

I remember there being discussion a while back but is there any way to move
our Subversion repo to an Apache Git repo?

On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 4:37 PM, Ted Dunning <ted.dunn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I would like to start a conversation about where we want Mahout to be for
> 1.0.  Let's suspend for the moment the question of how to achieve the
> goals.  Instead, let's converge on what we really would like to have happen
> and after that, let's talk about means that will get us there.
> Here are some goals that I think would be good in the area of numerics,
> classifiers and clustering:
> - runs with or without Hadoop
> - runs with or without map-reduce
> - includes (at least), regularized generalized linear models, k-means,
> random forest, distributed random forest, distributed neural networks
> - reasonably competitive speed against other implementations including
> graphlab, mlib and R.
> - interactive model building
> - models can be exported as code or data
> - simple programming model
> - programmable via Java or R
> - runs clustered or not
> What does everybody think?

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