Hello,Following up on my last email with more specifics,  I've looked through 
the wiki (https://mahout.apache.org/users/basics/algorithms.html) and I'm 
interested in implementing the one or more of the following algorithms with 
Mahout using spark: 1) Matrix Factorization with ALS 2) Naive Bayes 3) Weighted 
Matrix Factorization, SVD++ 4) Sparse TF-IDF Vectors from Text 5) Lucene 
Had a few questions:1) Which of these should I start with and where is there 
the greatest need?2) Should I fork the repo and create branches for the each of 
the above implementations?3) Should I go ahead and create some JIRAs for these?
Would love to have some pointers to get started?Regards

From: sxk1...@hotmail.com
To: dev@mahout.apache.org
Subject: Mahout contributions
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2016 10:23:45 -0700

Hello Committers,I was looking through the current jira tickets and was 
wondering if there's a particular area of Mahout that needs some more help than 
others, should I focus on contributing some algorithms usign DSL or Samsara 
related efforts, I've finally got some bandwidth to do some work and would love 
some guidance before assigning myself some tickets.Regards                      

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