Hi Chad, *

Chad Smith wrote:

On 9/26/05, Bernhard Dippold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


even if Steven Sheldon and myself think it to be important having a single "official" positioner for corporate and visual identity reasons (I wanted to put a logo with positioner for download at the logo gallery) most of you seem not interested in that theme. (During my writing Konrad did vote - thank you!)


I think the problem, Bernhard, is that many people , like me, saw
 the word "positioner" - had no idea what it meant (since most of
us, I'd imagine, are not professional advertising execs) - and said "well, best not to get involved with what I don't understand". Maybe a few even started to read the first post, and
 just got more confused.

Thanks for pointing it out. I didn't know it either when we started
to discuss it on the art list, but in the meanwhile I'm used to this
term and thought, it was explained in the very first mails.

It might help if you were to explain what a "Positioner" is - how
 it would help to have one - and *then* we can vote on one.

I thought Steven's definition I cited in the first "voting" mail was
quite clear:

Well, the positioner is more than just a few catchy words about the product. It should be the central theme of the marketing campaign: the one thing you want people to remember when they hear of your product/company/service/whatever.

As an example he showed the positioner for an organization giving
shelter to disabled people in group homes ("Community. Home.
Independence.") and ended with:

So we were able to promote all of these different things ["normaility" of the disabled, fundraising, advocacy ...] but tie
 them into the single central positioner. That should be our

Even if I doubt that I can define it better, I'll try again in my words:

A positioner is a special slogan that shows a products position in
the market. Optimally including the main features and goals of a
product in very short terms.

It can be attached to the logo to become an entity or in some cases
it becomes a recognizable sign of the product itself ("connecting
people" - www.Nokia.com)

I tried to show what we could do with this link (using any
positioner we agree on) in my first mail:

As central marketing theme it could be used for many purposes:
On web banners, flyers, business cards and wherever else a very short declaration of OOo2.0 may be reasonable. It could work as starting point for discussions as well.

Perhaps it's a bit clearer by now...

After a couple of days of seeing a few posts to that thread, I did end up reading it, and actually voiting, but it was only because I can't sleep.

Sometimes it's good to stay awake, but I hope, you can sleep now.

I personally think it would be good to have this thing - (which, from what I gathered from this email and the last one, is some kind of a slogan, or motto, or marketing "theme" around which materials, campaigns, and media could be created to promote OOo, is that correct?) - but, you are right about it being volunteer, so you might want to get more people involved.

That's what I tried to..


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