On Sunday 09 October 2005 21:03, Don Parris wrote:
> Personally, I like the idea.  I think there is a site called
> GoOpenSource or something like that that is about promoting libre
> software.  I hope to get funding for The Freely Project to do similar
> activities.  One of the biggest reasons I think libre software is still
> not a household name is that we don't charge the fees that pay for
> marketing.  How do you solve that?  I guess the Mozilla project found a
> way.  They might even be willing to contribute a  dollar or two.  Who
> knows?

If money is the problem, I think there are several ways to do a promotion that 
cost much less:
1. Use a SMS (Short Messaging System) ads. In Indonesia, there are several 
major news webportal that offer ads placement through cellular SMS.
2. Put ads in community bulletin, such as church bulletin, etc. It costs much 
less, but I believe the readers could be big business owners.
Well, surely the scope of the above media is less than newspaper ads. But it's 
a start.
Fajar Priyanto | Reg'd Linux User #327841 | http://linux2.arinet.org
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