On Tue, January 10, 2006 21:37, Simon Phipps wrote:
> On Jan 11, 2006, at 02:24, Steven Shelton wrote:
>> Simon Phipps wrote:
>>> I was with you at the beginning of that, Don, but I'm surprised to
>>> hear you saying "free R&D" given what you've written on LXer
>>> recently. It's not free/gratis. It costs every one of us time,
>>> many of us money as well. As the cost of the R & D is not bourne
>>> by a single entity, you're right that it's pointless to try to
>>> estimate a dollar value for it unless you also establish the
>>> exchange rate. But it's not free/gratis. Each community member
>>> invests according to their ability and goals, and they do so
>>> because they expect to see a return on that investment on their
>>> own terms and timescale.
>> I think that what he was saying is that it's free to the company
>> that takes advantage of it, not to the people who actually do the R&D.
> While there are contexts in which it's perhaps reasonable to say
> that, *in the context Don is discussing* I'd assert that's missing
> the point. That only works if you think you're an island[1].  Each of
> us has to put in effort, and each of us will yield a return. Saying
> that compared to Microsoft's $50bn investment all of F/OSS is free
> both perpetuates the abuse of the word "free" and perpetuates the
> idea that open source is about freeloading.
> It only matters in Don's original context though. Not worth an
> argument :-)
> S.
> [1]  http://polyticks.com/home/Visions/NoManIsl.htm

My point was that companies may not be paying for the R&D.  Still, your
point is well taken, and is part of my point.

DC Parris
http://matheteuo.org/  http://chaddb.sourceforge.net/
"Hey man, whatever pickles your file!"

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