Manos Batsis schreef:

This gets my vote as well, the option to disable is by far the most
sensible choice. I may be a lurker here, but i also promote an market
OOo and other in my day job besides developing closed or open source
(not OOo).

Saying that developers don't know squat on marketing may be right[1],
but marketeers do not have a clue about the developer culture, which is
equally important.

To me this looks like this is going to end up as a Marketing VS Dev war
to proove which side of the community (yes we are all in the same
community and some in more than one sides) is more powerfull, which is
simply irrelevnt to the reason we are all here. Why not satisfy both
sides and move to the next thing?

[1] Apologies to Steven, it just happened that your's was the latest
post i read :-)

Just my two cents.


Quoting Steven Shelton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

J David Eisenberg wrote:
On Tue, 7 Feb 2006, Steven Pauwels wrote:

Some of the contras:
- they take the trust out of OOo
- distractive to school children
these are the two most important for me.

Leave in the Easter Eggs; allow an administrator to turn them off
install, thus solving the education problem.
It seems to me that this is a good compromise. I don't see why this
is such a controversial idea; the Easter Eggs still stay, but the user (who is who we are concerned about) is the one who can decide if they're accessible or not. I would also like to see us put a moratorium on new Easter Eggs. I personally like them, but two or three are enough. If

this is the sort of thing that is seen as being encouraged, it will unnecessarily bloat the code, and one of the things people often complain about with OOo is how big the code is to download since it's

all one integrated suite, and you can't just download (for instance)
the spreadsheet without also getting Base, Impress, etc.

*deposits two pennies*

Steven Shelton
Twilight Media & Design

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No worries, just know that I bought 2 tandy trs-80 model 3 when they appeared on EU market at the age of 12 and have been developping in one way or the other since... combined with marketing experience... I think I can do something for both...

There is only 1 community... OOo and a war is the last thing we want. We only want some recognition as I am convinced of the power of OOo as a product. Combine the excelent product with the right marketing startegy and I know we have a winner... But how to do so if every little thing we think holds OOo back on its way to winning is debated and thrown away?

Here's a thought: Having a good product is one thing... getting people to use it is another. I know both when I see them and that is what I want to do here... I have met some very highly motivated people here and I can asure you that right now, the people needed to win are willing... now for the others? want to kick ass?

Steven P.

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