On Wed, February 22, 2006 12:35, Alex Fisher wrote:
> May I suggest that in the future, when anyone makes any suggestion in what
> may
> seem to be an "aggressive" (for lack of a better term) tone, that everyone
> take a deep breath, consider whether the poster is a native English
> speaker,
> if not then make allowances for that, and then wait until the next day
> before
> responding. During that day, consider carefully whether or not their
> suggestion might perhaps have some merit. Usually you'll find that it
> does.
> Then, if you don't like the way things are phrased, ASK for clarification
> before you fire of a hasty reply.
> In my 5 years, virtually every "flame war" has started because one or more
> others have not paused in the way I suggest above.
> Think about it, folks.....

Can I please ask everyone subscribed to this list to print off Alex's
email, blu-tack it to their monitor, and read it slowly before they read
any postings on the list.

Alex, many thanks.


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