On Sat, 2006-04-29 at 00:42 +0300, Cristian Driga wrote:
> Hi John,
> It's a great idea and the draft looks good. More below...
> John McCreesh wrote:
> > Comments please on http://why.openoffice.org/get_legal.html
> Some suggested changes:
> ===1===
> "OpenOffice.org 2 is a world-class alternative which does everything you 
> need from an office suite."
> I would put it a bit more direct (even if it gets longer):
> "OpenOffice.org 2 is a world-class alternative office suite, similar in 
> functionality with Microsoft-Office. OpenOffice.org does everything you 
> need: word processing, spreadsheets, presentations and much more."

+1 - done

> ===2===
> 2. And this:
> "It can even use MS-Office format files, so you don't need to type 
> anything in again."
> ..suggest..
> "It can even open and save MS-Office format files (.DOC, .XLS, .PPT), so 
> you don't need to type anything in again."

+1 - done

> ....
> I've got this tendency to always try to put it more explicit simply 
> because I've met lots of people to whom the word "Office" meant *only* 
> Microsoft-Office. I know it sounds stupid but its kinda Xerox meaning 
> "copy machine" and not the brand. For us the difference is obvious, but 
> for many, it isn't. Same goes with "Word Processor" vs. "Text Processor" 
> or something similar.
> ===3===
> Another secondary message for the page: "Your search is over."
> What words and methods should we use to get Google display high in 
> results the get-legal page in the following searches and similar ones ?
> "free microsoft word download"  - 121944 searches for last month 
> according to se-keywords.com:
> http://www.se-keywords.com/cgi-bin/kse-logiciel.pl?mot=microsoft+word+free+download&etape1=1&lg=us&zone=world
> I would start with mentioning these search words in a page (an accessory 
> to get_legal.html ?) or paragraph with text like:
> "You've been looking for free microsoft word downloads ? For free 
> microsoft power point downloads ? You have been searching on the web for 
>   office software to replace illegal software copies you had installed ?
> Your search for freeware or trial word, excel, powerpoint software 
> replacements is over. You now have a totally free alternative.
> It's real, it's free, it's legal, it's OpenOffice.org."
> + link to get_legal.html

I like this - let's park it for today while we finish Get Legal. Rening
me later if I forget about it :-)

> P.S. After having added links to other relevant information and having 
> it ready for visitors, should we have a PR for this small campaign 
> start? ;-)

Of course :-) but let's get the graphics sorted first


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