On Tue, 02 May 2006 11:00:32 -0500, Steven Shelton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Again this is missing the point the marketing list shouldn't solve the problem since they are not in the position to solve it. They should just come forward with an explanation on what is going on and what is there to do. Whoa, calm down there, hoss! Part of the function of a marketing department (which is what the marketing project essentially is) is to provide feedback and suggestions to the developers. If the marketing people keep being asked why something isn't there, it seems that maybe it should be (either as a default or an option), and since the developers are the ones who have to implement it, it makes sense to both communicate to them that there is a desire within the target audience for a feature, and to offer suggestions/inquire as to the feasibility of such a feature. Nobody's trying to solve the problem; just trying to gather information.

Ok I think you missinterprate my words, By saying they are not in the position to solve the problem is that the issue is not the lack of PIM. The issue is the lack of communicating to the end user why there is no PIM and what will happened.

There are many issues that keep comming back every so many months, this is just one of them, and the marketing project could provide a more substancial response to some of the most common suggestions/questions.

Other topics that keep comming back is the project management project, which yes, we do have one project but not many people knows about. Another issue is OOo being so slow, which there are also different technical answsers why but need a bit of 'massaging' so the end user can asimilate it.

I am not sure if the marketing project has a lot of relevance to the developers, but i guess that will be a different issue altogether. I remember that at OOoCon 2006 the product manager from StarOffice was at a round table, maybe he is the man to know best about resource planification, and I am not sure if that information is confidential or not.

Alexandro Colorado
CoLeader of OpenOffice.org ES

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