Hello Catharina,

thank you for your interest in OpenOffice.org. The official repository
and documentation project is here: http://documentation.openoffice.org
The OOoAuthors is an independent project that is external to OOo, but as
you will see there are some links to this site from the documentation
project. In general, try to read the licensing terms carefully as the
OpenOffice.org documentation has a specific license, the PDL, and there
is a breadth of other docs (such as the ones Daniel mentioned) all over
the Net that may not have the same licensing scheme.

Hope this helps,

Charles-H. Schulz.

Daniel Carrera a écrit :
> Hello Catharina,
> I highly recommend the OOoAuthors user guide for OpenOffice.org:
> http://oooauthors.org
> You'll see some excellent material there. Most of the content is in
> English or German, but there are other active languages. While the user
> guide was not primarily intended as a study course, it is perfectly
> suitable for a course. It is clearly written and well organized.
> The OOoAuthor team has produced work of particularly high quality,
> because of their extensive review process. The over-all project is
> guided by two professional tech writers. Every chapter is reviewed by
> several people of varying skill levels. Once people feel that the
> chapter is of good quality, it gets reviewed again by a professional
> editor, at which point it either gets published, or gets sent back with
> comments and suggestions.
> Cheers,
> Daniel.
> On Wed, 2006-23-08 at 16:25 +0200, Catharina Bethlehem wrote:
>> We started building our open course project: http://www.open-of-course.org.
>> Now we are looking for good and free content courses/tutorials on Open 
>> Office. In English as well as in other languages. I have found some 
>> material on the internet, but I find it quite difficult to sort out 
>> which ones are the best. So if people of this list could make some 
>> suggestions, that would be very helpful.
>> Kind regards,
>> Catharina Bethlehem
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