Hi Kirill,

Kirill Palagin (Y) wrote:

----- Original Message ---- From: Cor Nouws <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

That are two different things. The number of people that suffer
MsWord stability problems is without any doubt much much larger than
the number of people really needing a 65543+ characters paragraph
length. (Not that this means anything for the problems that people
can have because of the limitation. However, I've never seen a
paragraph over 1 page long, let alone 15 or 20 pages long (needed for
about 65543 characters).

Kirill Palagin (Y) wrote:

I am just wondering why MS is always brought into discussion. Our
limit is our problem and we either have to fix our product or correct
the document I referenced.

P.S. Also, if you want to see real stability problems - sequentially
read issues in our Issue Tracker for a day or two. Here is one for
starters - http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=61557 is
older than one year (and it is about Writer crashing with long
document too).

I am familiar with IssueTracker and bugs in OOo.
OOo is not perfect and MsO is not all garbage. However the statement about far better stability in Writer than Word is supported by repeated independent publications in o.a. C!T, which is a serious IT magazine.

The point in general you make is correct. But not easy to answer.
It is about to find a good balance between
 a. trying to be open and fair in all you communications; and
 b. producing shiny attracting promotion.

a. might be to complicated and making people more anxious than necessary.
b. might attract many people (as long as it works) but doesn't tell the whole story. I think as open source project an approach differing little from what commercial firm X does, is important.
Maybe good stuff for a separate discussion?



Cor Nouws
Arnhem - Netherlands
nl.OpenOffice.org - marketing contact

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