About 'your next office upgrade', it eliminates individual home user. It is 
directed towards business, and yes some people do have offices at home but most 
dont, especially students. I believe we need to replace 'office' with more 
broader term maybe: productivity, suite, workflow,   

Hey, im a photographer. Anyone has any ideas for good promo images i can shoot 
for OOo?


-----Original Message-----
From: "Paul F. Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: dev@marketing.openoffice.org
Sent: 1/7/2008 15:50
Subject: Re: [Marketing] Website Redesign Content

I come down somewhere in between the draft page and Graham's more bare  
bones approach.

I agree that cleaner is better, and I agree that the goal is to move  
people along as quickly as possible. Toward that end, I'd eliminate any  
nav bar or other distracting, focus-pulling options that only serve to  
confuse people. However, I don't see anything wrong with a little prettier  
header, and I was glad to see "Your next office upgrade" make the cut.

I also don't see anything wrong with the one-sentence explanations below  
each action statement. In fact, they might actually serve the goal of  
moving people forward, since they will help eliminate visitors' head  
scratching and confusion as they try to figure out if this link is really  
the one they want to click.


On Monday, Jan 07, Graham Lauder wrote:

> On Tuesday 08 January 2008 07:59:34 Ivan M wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> The look of the new OpenOffice.org homepage is currently being worked
>> on (a good indication of where it's headed can be seen at
>> www.patentpending.co.nz/openoffice). This is based on the action
>> statements approach that was discussed on this list in December, and
>> the main goal of this new homepage is to increase downloads.
>> When an action statement is clicked, additional content with links to
>> relevant pages will appear under it, and all other content below it
>> will slide further down. This has not been implemented yet, but you
>> can get an idea of what it will look like here:
>> http://moofx.mad4milk.net/
>> The only exception to this rule might be "I want to learn more about
>> OpenOffice.org", which could jump straight to why.openoffice.org (by
>> the way, what is the status on the new design for why.openoffice.org?-
>> I think it would be great if it could be launched with the new
>> design).
>> Here is where your input is needed - the wording of all the content.
>> Which links should go in the navigation bar? How much content should
>> go in the footer? What text should go below "I need help with my
>> OpenOffice.org"? What links should be displayed (i.e. forum,
>> documentation, etc) when it is clicked, and how should it be worded?
>> Because the action statements are more verbose, the content could
>> follow a similar approach. Instead of a simple bulleted list appearing
>> under "I want to participate in OpenOffice.org" with these options -
>> file bug report - donate - join projects, each of these links could be
>> accompanied by 1 or 2 friendly, informative sentences explaining each
>> link.
>> A wiki page has been set up for this:
>> http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Website/Content
>> or, you could continue the discussion here. We are aiming to launch
>> this month, so your input would be appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> Ivan.
> The thing that concerns me is that thee seems to be more and more "Stuff"
> getting onto the page.
> The aim of the overall design is to increase downloads. Within that  
> structure
> the goal of this page should be to get people further as quickly as  
> possible.
> My personal preference is in the style of
> http://ooogear.co.nz/splash_prop.html  No more links than that.  No other
> links, no Nav bar.  That sort of detail can be on the next page.  I'd  
> even do
> the Logo in text with the only image being the gulls if there was a way  
> of
> guaranteeing everything would line up.  Without the logo this page is  
> under
> 1KB  and even on dialup it's message and it's function is obvious
> immediately..
> Why, Download, Support and Contribute is where we want them to be, not  
> here.
> Then put as many links in as you want. and as much js and so forth as you
> want. On this page however we want them moving on quickly and easily.
> I am mindful that we are coming up to a month behind on this as well.   
> Lets
> get this up and then expend the energy on the pages mentioned as well as  
> the
> extensions
> .Cheers
> GL

Paul F. Olson

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