Florian Effenberger wrote (15-2-2008 11:40)
Hi Erwin,

O.k., I took a very first stab at the release notes for OpenOffice.org 2.4 by moving content from the "Feature Freeze Testing 2.4" wiki page to the following page:

thanks a lot, this looks brilliant! I wanted to come up with a draft the next days as well, but you've been faster. :-)

Yes, fine.
After this one:
I've been able to do some of the work, but not as much as I wanted.
I've tried to contact Sophie yesterday, but no response yet. Maybe she's doing what I will do later this day: vacation ;-) Little problem today: never mind how much I empty my browsers buffer, the wiki still shows the offline info. However, I plan a day in week 9. But If you have finished by then, its OK for me ;-)



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