On Sun, 2008-11-02 at 15:15 +0200, Lars Noodén wrote:
> Ian Lynch wrote:
> > ...Here are a few. 
> > Perceived to be controlled by Sun
> Yes, however, keep in mind that much of that perception has been
> cultivated through several years of attacks from MS both directly and
> through proxy.  Case in point recent attempts to inject tainted code, or
> the ODF=OOo=Sun meme that MSFTers were pounding a few years ago
> > Massive code base difficult to learn
> Yes.  Needs to become more modular, which may in turn address your
> outstanding wish for smaller, faster OOo
> > No progression routes for young people to learn to become developers  
> There are also high barriers to entry even to otherwise simple
> activities like testing / QA and localization.

I agree with that. That is more the area where INGOTs are targeted as
realistically the Gold INGOT projects are not likely to be coding -
maybe later when we develop a Platinum INGOT and beyond but that is a
much smaller market and is not sustainable on current resources. It
takes time to move the way people work - starting sooner just means the
outcome happens sooner.

> > Weak incentives to become a developer
> > No great effort to keep volunteers that have any different views from
> > the project controllers.
> Yes, but that was also when the project was more or less in isolation.
> Nowadays, you do have to be concerned about hijacking of the codebase by
> funded "volunteers"

Is that good or bad :-)

> > Until there is a systematic strategy to tackle these issues...
> So yes, a strategy is needed.  That's probably something that can be
> started at the OOo conference in Beijing.

I hope so, I want OOo to succeed and get stronger. I'm in Malaysia next
week at their Government Open Source conference that happens to clash
with the OOo Conference. From what I read there is a refreshing
difference in the government attitude to ICT there compared to many so
called "developed" nations. 

> > Personally, having committed time and money to OOo in the past, this is
> > a significant reason why I now devote little time to the project. ROI is
> > too low and I can be far more effective in other aspects of the free
> > software movement. I know many previously committed volunteers that feel
> > the same way.
> Same here.
> Regards
> -Lars
Ofqual Accredited IT Qualifications
A new approach to assessment for learning
www.theINGOTs.org - 01827 305940

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