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Hope that helps... Gotta go.. I have tens of repeated email to delete from my inbox! :P



Linda Tarrant wrote:
What do I have to do to get off your email list???
-----Original Message-----
From: Graham Lauder [] Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 1:34 PM
Subject: Re: [marketing] A different Market focus

On Wed, 04 Feb 2009 05:23:38 Juergen Schmidt wrote:

Hi Juergen,

hey please stop to promote Google. You should think more about a neutral
campaign focusing on only. As far as i know Google does nothing
for the project. They spent some money for OOCon, fine and thanks a lot.
But that's it. They had kick us out of GSOC last year, they don't pay
for any developers, they don't pay anything or they don't do anything to
support the project. I asked the Google guy in Beijing if this situation
is going to change some time in the future and he mentioned no. So why
should we do a campaign where we ask people to use Google ...

Well, most people will use it anyway but that is of course a different
story and we should focus on our own stuff.

Just my 2 cents


Whether we like it or not, in the english speaking world there are two googles:
Google the noun and google the verb.

Just like putting an advert on TV doesn't promote TV, we are not promoting Google, we are using google to promote OOo

The "Google: OOo" idea is a call for action. The idea is to incite curiosity so that the viewer takes another step and googles OOo. Google is merely the tool that allows that person to take that step. The idea is to take the initial promotion one step away from the computer

Benjamin Horst wrote:
Or how about:

Why OOo? Just google it!

Google might get annoyed at the use of their name as a verb, since if
they don't defend it they could eventually lose the trademark.

But, the text above breaks it up so that users will not confuse OOo as a
Google project. ("Google OOo" sounds like "Google Maps" or all the


On Jan 28, 2009, at 5:44 AM, Graham Lauder wrote:
On Wed, 28 Jan 2009 23:24:49 Ivan M wrote:
Hi Graham,
Hi Ivan,

Just a small suggestion...

On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 11:05 PM, Graham Lauder
Some months back I touted the idea of a "Google OOo" campaign.  The
was to make it very easy and minimal cost for local communities to
produce simple flyers and posters that give a simple call to
action.  The
"Google OOo" statement would be the central part of the flyers with a
simple message included.  The messages would be translated into the
language or messages more appropriate to the local culture.  The key
is not to explain but to excite curiosity, to reinforce the call to an
Because Google brands some of its software with its name - e.g. Google
Earth - the flyer might appear to be advertising a piece of Google
software - so people might search for "Google OOo" expecting something
from a Google domain. My suggestion would be to have Google "OOo", to
make the intended action more clear.

... and the why.OOo page should be updated - at least in terms of
design - before any major marketing campaign starts (that's not such a
small suggestion, but since I'm on a roll... :P)


Good point, perhaps then a colon in the right place

Google: OOo


"The Best Things in life are 3"

ISO 26300 compliant

Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
(International Grades in Office Technologies)

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