Bernhard Dippold wrote:
Hi Jürgen, *

Juergen Schmidt schrieb:
Hi Bernard,

please make it available online as well.

Of course - we're using the wiki for our work, but I didn't set up the dedicated wiki page by now.

It's perfect timing, i am just
wanted to start a discussion on the marketing list about a common
design/brand for that can be used for different use case.
 > But i haven't finished the email so far.

Creating such a design / visual identity has been one of the main topics in the Art Project for the last 2 or 3 years.

Unfortunately we didn't have enough man power to create more artwork using the elements of the OOo3 splash screen - there are just a few graphical elements that can be used for branding.

With the idea of an updated / new OOo logo we want to introduce a better branding and visual identity than up to now. But this is just a first step.
i don't want to change the OOo logo, i have more in mind that we have some kind of unique campaign for every release or maybe release independent. Some cool slogans would be also nice.

Something that always includes the OOo logo but will be also unique. The idea behind that is to produce new merchandising goods for every campaign and to promote our latest versions. Or simply something cool where people say hey cool i must have this shirt etc.

To make it short i would like to focus on merchandising material that can be used for conferences and other events.


New ideas will be presented at the OOoCon at Orvieto - if and when this will lead to a new visual identity by the use of new branding elements is totally open ...

For the moment I'd propose to use the elements of OOo3, the present logo and the mimetype icons.

Please have a look at the Art Project's wiki area
for some ideas (especially the page about the OOo3 elements).

I especially have merchandising material in mind.

There have been some designs for merchandising in the past (I for myself did some t-shirts, cups, pins and cuff links some time ago). If you want to, we can discuss this part of the topic on

But anyway important
is that we have one design/brand that can be used everywhere.

You're totally right - consistency in visual impression is a very important part of marketing and brand recognition.

We'll have to intensify our efforts in that area.
While the present branding elements are more or less limited in usability, it is necessary to keep an eye on this topic when we want to introduce new graphics...

Best regards


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