John McCreesh wrote (11-12-09 10:53)
I agree with Alexandro - I prefer the more graphical look of the
"Education Flyer". I think this particular flyer is good, although I think
it could be improved by targeting the message better, and making more use
of the available space. I also believe we should avoid proprietary
software to create marketing materials, especially when the pdfs they

agree with that in general.

create do not print correctly on the most common Linux pdf viewer :(

hmm, no problem here with DocumentViewer under Ubuntu.

As an early warning, for our 2010 marketing work I'll be looking to source
some new brochures for conferences etc. There was some off-line discussion
about this at OOoCon - one suggestion that went down well was to go 'mix
and match'. So, we'd have a high quality, global, 'language neutral'
folder - think - which we
would use with inserts as appropriate:

- for a small event - e.g. at a university - a local team could print out
/ photocopy black and white A4 inserts in the local language
- for a large consumer event we could have one insert per 'application'
(Writer, Calc, etc) printed full colour

The folder could also contain a product DVD if appropriate.

Feedback welcomed - would this work?

There is no 'one fits all' solution for flyers and marketing in general.
Not even within one language/country :-)
So the idea to create a flyer framework, together with default contents, ideas, will help. Also when we gather (links to) existing materials on our wiki, people can easily 'shop' and re-use, contribute back. For printing smaller amounts, it's probably best for each to go to the 'local' shop.


Cor Nouws
  - marketing contact
  - Community Contributor Representative in the Community Council
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