John, I agree the OOoCon is very good, but you seemed to ignore the second
part of my email ... how about having *two* conferences a year - maybe
OOoCon "face to face" in April and a virtual one in October or something
like that.  But I suppose having two a year runs the risk it all getting
"too much."

Just an idea...


-----Original Message-----
From: Florian Effenberger [] 
Sent: Wednesday, 16 December 2009 20:36
Subject: Re: [marketing] Virtual OOoCon 2011?


> I suppose it comes down to how much money the OOoCon coordinators are
> willing to put into it.  Having a virtual conference would save tons of
> money plus make it far more accessible to those too busy to actually
> the conference or can't afford it.

I see the issues, but nontheless, I'm against stopping the OOoCon!

OOo is one of the OSS projects with the least amount of own events 
taking place, compared to other projects. If we now move our annual 
conference to a virtual thing instead, this is a bad sign and won't help 
us in getting new volunteers, it would even do the contrary...


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