Florian Effenberger wrote (16-12-09 08:47)
Hi Cor,

I want to have at least two a year. I really love meeting all people.

me too! :-)

But Johns question is, if we think it is wise looking at our earth and
how we use it, to just do as we like it personally.
So I would seriously consider the possibility to have one real life
every second year and virtual ones in between.

Sure, the environment is important, but... honestly... having a meeting

If we take our environment (and that of other people and our children and ...) serious, there is the challenge for us: find something better than we used to do.

only every two years sheds a bad light on the project. Look at other projects, how active they are, what they do throughout the year, how many events they do. Now compare OOo, one of the largest OSS projects worldwide. Do we really want to do less than we do already?

In terms of quality, OOoCon is wonderful and one of the best, but in terms of quantity, OOo has *way* too many events organized under the "brand" of OpenOffice.org.

If we want to attract more people, we have to do more, real ones, not virtual ones.

I'm not sure if holding real life meetings is the most important we can do to attract new people. I know some more items that are on the radar... Apart from that: acting responsible could help even more.

Ciao - Cor

Cor Nouws
  - nl.OpenOffice.org marketing contact
  - Community Contributor Representative in the Community Council
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