On 1/7/10 11:17 PM, Ian wrote:
On Thu, 2010-01-07 at 22:55 +0100, Juergen Schmidt wrote:

FOSDEM 2010 is coming soon and we will have an OpenOffice.org DevRoom as
well as OpenOffice.org stand there. The main reason for the stand is to
present our project on one of the biggest open source conferences in
Europe. We want demo OOo, want to talk with users as well as developers
and all other interested people. We want celebrate community! The
DevRoom is to spread knowledge around ongoing development efforts as
well as giving hints how to get started etc.. In short we try to attract
developers. The plan is to sponsor the speakers from the development
budget and some t-shirts and the stand crew from the marketing budget.

For this reason i would like to request a funding of ~650 Euro from the
marketing budget for stand crew members to cover their travel expenses.

Together with the t-shirts we will have ~2200 Euro expenses going on the
marketing budget. I am till thinking that it is a good investment and i
expect to get some money back from donations.

Just for info, when we were at NEA in California a few years back, we
tried selling OOo discs to see if we could make a bit of money to
contribute o expenses. We found that when the price was $1 and explained
it was try to help cover costs virtually everyone bought one. So 1 Euro
might work :-) There is also an environmental reason. Free discs are
easily discarded, thrown straight in the trash. If you pay 1 Euro you
might think twice about that.

you are probably right. In case of FOSDEM, we don't plan to produce CD's or DVD's. Most people have OOo anyway and a CD is fast outdated. In Europe most people are in the situation t have a fast internet connection and can easily download the program. It looks different in other countries where CD's or DVD's make much more sense.


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