Hi Eric,

eric wrote (31-01-10 20:56)
Cor Nouws a écrit :
Alexandro Colorado wrote (31-01-10 19:12)

my suggestion is to go to the education IRC rooom and understand where
ericb is comming from, is just better than trying to force an answer.

Yes, Alexandro proposal is IMHO better.

OK, see my idea in the other mail, so lets pick that up as intermediate step.

If a project lead accuses people or situations in the project, it is nothing more than reasonable that he is asked for explanation.

That's strange : when I read Cor, this is always my fault. Thanks Cor.

I can't see where did I write that, sorry.

So, just one example , directly pasted from


""""""""" Quote """""""""""""""
[15:27:04] louis_to in this case, I propose the Education Project issue
[15:27:22] louis_to we have discussed previously it has problems: OOo4kids linkage, for instance
[15:27:41] louis_to and the fact that the lead seems to alienate a lot
of develoopers, arccording to reports
[15:28:12] louis_to for this reason, we chose mentoring @ooo not
mentoring at education
[15:28:34] louis_to I am to talk to Alexandro tomrrow and will also see
about communicating with Eric

"""""""""" end quotes """""""""""""""""""""""""""

It is written : "I alienate a lot of developers" ( ???) , or "reports about me" (is it legal to write reports "about me" without inform me and publicaly claim that BTW? Who wrote reports about me too could be interesting) ... and so on.

I read in the log that you "seems" to do so.
And also I read in the log that Louis is willing to communicate with you and Alexandro. That is why we in the council have attention for this and invite you over and again to communicate in details about not specific complaints that you make.
Because we do need to understand your reasons and experiences.

Some days after I discovered that, I read carefully the IRC meeting log again, and if I'm not wrong, nobody objected what was said about me.

I hope now, you understand better the distance I'll take with the
OpenOffice.org project, mostly with the "Community Council", and why I
no longer read everything coming from this "entity", nor answer any sollicitation from its members.

No. You make wrong use of the text above. Or maybe I should write that you misunderstood it. Moreover: this is a misunderstood recent example. And you talked about many (un specified) ones in your first post ...Without real communication, Eric, we won't get anywhere.

I prefer stop there, and avoid disturb the list with bad stories.

Pls be assured that I prefer to continue with clarifying and resolving possible problems. So every experience is welcome :-)

Best regards,

 >> Your office 2010 software: the new OpenOffice.org <<

Cor Nouws
  - nl.OpenOffice.org marketing contact
  - Community Council member

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