Hi Jürgen,

Sorry for the delay, but I don't have a lot of time for mails.

Le 12 janv. 10 à 10:57, Juergen Schmidt a écrit :

Not exactly : we did a lot, but outside of the OOo website.
that is my first question, why?

Since two years, the Education Project, received a lot of bad knocks (mostly me in fact) and the strategy was to block every try to create something new. Worse: some projects derivated the Education part, what is not really kind from a "Community" point of view.

Back to your question, externalize everything was an answer to that: do it fastly, without bad constraints, and innovate for true. And proof the current model is .. sub optimal.

The fact is, Education Project innovated a lot, and since it has some visibility, more bad knocks arrive.

needs freedom, and OpenOffice.org website does not exactly provide the
tools we need.
no objections for freedom but is this really true and have you tried it.

Yes, it is : we have extremely efficient and active lists, outside of the common organisation, and our work ( through OOo4Kids) is well appreciated. The Campus Libre is promising too. Other good example is OOo4Kids : we created a good communication with OLPC community, and Gdium community too.

All this is extremely good for OpenOffice.org Project, and extends the community.

In case of your mentioned http://educoo.edulibre.org/ i see a drupal system the same framework that we use for our extension site.

Indeed. FYI, EduLibre is yet another french non profit association.

We have several different services under services.openoffice.org. Can you give concrete details please.

The reason is this is still experimental, and we work with other non profit associations (not only EduLibre), and we can not decide everything.

Should it be considered or evaluated again because the education project is an official OpenOffice.org project

What should be considered again ? The experimental Forge ? Again, this is still experimental, and Edulibre is another non profit association. What is the problem ? Isn't OpenOffice.org a Community ?
When I read you, I have some doubts ...

If you mean the Education Project : since two years, it is blocked as "Incubator project", but maybe things could improve, indeed.

and from my point of it should run under the OOo umbrella and the typical OOo design.

What means "OOo "Umbrella" term exactly  ?

For example, I read "NeoOffice" is supported in the official OpenOffice.org forums. Why BTW ? So why not officialy support OOo4Kids in the forum too ? OOo4Kids is under LGPL V3 license, and this is really more compatible with OOo than NeoOffice :-) ?

Back to design : -personal opinion- I don't like Sun design, sorry. Probably because I'm not good with design myself ... :-)

Nevertheless, thanks for your point of view. Mine is : OOo umbrella mean Sun corp, and if it is commonly accepted that OpenOffice.org is a "Community Project", then, other projects, identified as "friends" should belong too.

There is an ONG backing it up with EducOO and there is some real work
happening on some areas of education including OOo4Kids
(http://wiki.ooo4kids.org/) and Efforts. But some are still being
developed like the "CampusLibre" project.

Just FYI :

- we created strong links with the schools we worked with, and around 20
students have been mentored since two years

- OpenOffice.org Education Project today counts ~ 110 members (was only
7 or 8 when I started ... )

- Campus Libre Project counts ~ 200 members :
my personal problem with this site is that it is french and i don't speak french.

Strange, if I'm not wrong, the site should be localized (I'll investigate). I remember it was working for a brazilian poeple who wanted to join. Now, something is maybe broken, and the reason why we did not fully translate the site is simply : resource reasons (remember : we are not paid and do everything in our free time)

FYI, Brasilian, spanish, german, and other for sure people and some other, have joined. Just help is needed.

- Edulibre (free Forge for collaborative work) is new and operationnal
(we'll launch it soon officially) : http://educoo.edulibre.org/

- is the XO port *not* something concrete ? FYI, OOo4Kids will be in the
next Sugar version : we created a strong link with another community
what is the XO port?

XO port is the port of OOo4Kids to the OLPC machines ( 900MHz / 256 MB of RAM /.1GB hard disk).

This port helped to extend the OOo community (no way to make OOo run on those machines).

- Aren't ClassRooms concrete ? ( everything is on the OpenOffice.org wiki )

they are and i think they are very useful.

The goal of the presentation was giving exposure to the whole
Education project so it couldn't be very practical.

Exactly : one hour is very limited, and the content is generic, but
dedicated presentations can be done on demand.
why haven't you replied on the FOSDEM CFP that i have send on the education list as well.

Since 4 years already, and every year, I did a conference, or devroom at FOSDEM for OpenOffice.org Project . That's one of my prefered events in the year.

But this year is unfortunaly not possible, for family reason. And that's simply why I can't propose something, nothing else (my family has always the priority).

Too bad that we have the education project not there or represented.

I'll ask Thorsten Behrens to represents the Education Project. Thorsten is extremely well appreciated from the students, contributes a lot to the Education Project, and is every day present on the #education.openoffice.org channel. With me, he helped the students zillions of times, and I have no doubt he will certainly accept to replace me..

I would be happy if you can provide us some information that we can at least present at the booth.

Since I got a new -and reliable - car, I'll try to attend the friday (afternoon, or evening), until saturday begining of afternoon (not sure). Must discuss the thing with my wife :-)

Eric Bachard


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