I am fine with earlier, as long as is not morning of course. I am not
a morning person and most of my other meetings happened then.

On 2/13/10, Andy Brown <a...@the-martin-byrd.net> wrote:
> Drew Jensen wrote:
>> Andy Brown wrote:
>>> Thanks.  Making a change seem easy enough.  I am in for Monday and
>>> Tuesday @6pm.  I think I figured out the irc stuff, at least how to
>>> connect
>> great.
>> I know that times don't work for every person that might be interested
>> in this.
>> In all honesty there is a group of individuals having already shown some
>> interest (not all of whom are active on this list) that I hope will
>> actually get involved, for which these times seemed most appropriate.
>> It's a big continent and even bigger rock in the sky..it .just is - What
>> it is.
>> For some, such as Florian I know it's a 'kick in the head'  time
>> wise..sorry.
>> As mitigation two things:
>> I can certainly be on-line at a better time for folks on the other side
>> of the pond - getting up at 3AM on Monday mornings is something I do on
>> a very regular basis: when I particularly want to get some 'face time'
>> with the Base team in Hamburg...nothing beats getting your email in
>> front of them over Monday morning coffee.
>> Secondly : The irc channel irc://freenode/ooousa if you notice has a
>> guest(owner) sybil- just a server keeping a log. The log will go to the
>> wiki - as I see stuff that should go to the wiki, I'll move it..other
>> wise I plan on having the channel open 24/7 for the next few days at
>> least.
>> Otherwise every other way we converse is still here.
> If there are enough people to have it earlier then I will try to be in
> as well, the time I chose is better for me, but I understand it others
> have better times for them as well.
> Andy
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Alexandro Colorado
OpenOffice.org Espa&ntilde;ol
IM: j...@jabber.org

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