Hello Louis,

As a member of the community, I'm trying to understand the situation here,
especially the situation from your point of view.

The Document Foundation has made it clear that if there are no
"negotiations" with OpenOffice.org, they will continue to develop and
release the codebase under the LibreOffice name.

At this point in time, who is continuing to participate in the
OpenOffice.org community?  Having been appointed to your position by Sun
(without an election by the Community), and then terminated by Oracle, do
you feel that you are still qualified to speak for the OpenOffice.org
Community, and if so, in what way and on what basis?

Is Oracle still participating in the OpenOffice.org community, and if so, in
what way?  Who is speaking for Oracle?

What does OpenOffice.org have to contribute at this point to the open source
community?  I understand that Oracle now owns the trademark to
"OpenOffice.org" and the copyright to the codebase.  What does
OpenOffice.org have?

You stated that "...a lot is at stake beyond our narrow concerns."  Who is
the "our" in that statement, what do you see being "our narrow concerns",
and what do you see being at stake "beyond our narrow concerns"?

If OpenOffice.org and The Document Foundation "negotiate", what do you see
as the best possible outcome?  What other possible outcomes can you foresee
that are better than the current direction?

If OpenOffice.org and The Document Foundation "negotiate" and there is no
agreement, what will OpenOffice.org do?  Will there be any more software
development or releases?  Who will do that work?

Thank you,


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