Louis Suarez-Potts wrote:
> My point is not that having a good discussion about OpenOffice.org is out
of the question
> here, on OOo lists. I find that fine, and the location quite proper. But
such a discussion
> ought to be-must be-about OOo, its NLCs, its contributors, its goals, its
options. Such a
> discussion, in other words is not really about TDF or LO, and to
understand our options as
> only being one or the other is really to cut short what could otherwise be
a really healthy
> reassessment of opportunities.

> Naturally, I also believe that any discussion in which we begin to lay out
approaches to the
> future of OOo development-and there is a future-really needs to be done
carefully, as
> it's *easy* to be misunderstood by others, however good willing they be,
when the context
> is so very charged.

First of all, the conversation we are having is about the future of
OpenOffice.org development.  Florian Effenberger wrote to say that he thinks
the best place for OpenOffice.org development is within The Document
Foundation.  That is a conversation about OpenOffice.org and it is a
perfectly valid proposal, and in fact, the best and only proposal we have
seen so far.

Second, the OpenOffice.org name is owned and controlled by Oracle.  Any
further software releases under the OpenOffice.org name, and any further
development of the OpenOffice.org website will only happen with Oracle's
agreement.  It appears however that there is no one here representing
Oracle.  Oracle has basically "taken its ball and gone home".  Without
representation from Oracle, we can conversate all we want, but it will go

Is there a contact person at Oracle who is authorized and willing to speak
and act on behalf of Oracle, and who can convey to us what Oracle wants and
is willing to agree to regarding the continued development and release of
software under the OpenOffice.org name?


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