Hi all,

I have a question/suggestion on jar dependencies.  I think
maven is perfect for open source (large/collaborative)
projects. I would like to leverage Maven for my internal
project at work, but not all dependencies are available on
ibiblio (some are not open source, etc.) Also it makes
sense for us to keep these jars in CVS, to make sure they
don't get lost, and just because "it works".

What I would like is to specify some "private" jar
dependencies that are stored in a lib dir. Is there a quick
hack that would allow me to do this? If it is, perhaps
documenting it would increase the adoption of maven among
users like me. If not would it be easy to add this feature?
I was thinking of something like this:


or maybe

    <fileset dir="lib">
      <include name="*.jar"/>
I know this might go against the "maven philosophy", but it
would be optional, and it's one of the things that is
keeping me from using Maven instead of Ant. 


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