On Fri, 2003-06-20 at 18:55, Otto von Wachter wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a question/suggestion on jar dependencies.  I think
> maven is perfect for open source (large/collaborative)
> projects. I would like to leverage Maven for my internal
> project at work, but not all dependencies are available on
> ibiblio (some are not open source, etc.) Also it makes
> sense for us to keep these jars in CVS, to make sure they
> don't get lost, and just because "it works".
> What I would like is to specify some "private" jar
> dependencies that are stored in a lib dir. Is there a quick
> hack that would allow me to do this? If it is, perhaps
> documenting it would increase the adoption of maven among
> users like me. If not would it be easy to add this feature?
> I was thinking of something like this:
> <privateDependencies>
>   <libDirectory>lib</libDirectory>
> </privateDependencies>
> or maybe
> <build>
>   <baseClasspath>
>     <fileset dir="lib">
>       <include name="*.jar"/>
>     </fileset>
>   </baseClasspath>
>   ...
> </build>
> I know this might go against the "maven philosophy", but it
> would be optional, and it's one of the things that is
> keeping me from using Maven instead of Ant. 

Something for this will never be built into Maven. You lose anything
Maven provides in the way of auto-downloading and verification. I would
recommend you save yourself much grief and spend 10 minutes and make
yourself a local repository. But do what you like, here's one way you
might do it:


  <preGoal name="java:compile">
    <ant:path id="my.doublebarrel.classpath">
      <fileset dir="${basedir}/lib">
        <include name="**/*.jar"/>



Again, I do not recommend you do this.

> Otto
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Jason van Zyl

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