On Wed, 2003-06-25 at 15:20, Michal Maczka wrote:
> I have progressed with Deployer API.

Wow, that *really* looks good...

> #list of repositories to which we will deploy
> maven.repo.repos= R1, R2, R3, R4, ibiblio

Is there really need for this property?
I am just afraid of users forgetting to add to this property which will
raise question on the mailinglist....

Possible reaons from my point of view:

a) convenience for Michal :-)  
He does not need to loop over all properties check for a maven.repo.*

b) offers the option to define maven.repo.MYUSED.* but not to use it.
Nice feature, but I doubt that it's really required...

Just my .02 cents

> -- 
> Martin Skopp
> Riege Software International GmbH
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