> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rafal Krzewski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, June 30, 2003 11:17 AM
> To: Maven Developers List
> Subject: Re: Deploy API (artifact plugin)
> Michal Maczka wrote:
> > For the moment I have tested my API with username, user password
> > kept in properties file. I think such approach is not acceptable.
> >
> > You can use command line to pass properties to maven:
> >
> > maven  war:deloy -Dmaven.repo.ibiblio.password = ******
> >
> > This is already better ... but still not perfect.
> >
> > I will try to implement/use(if I find one) simple "Prompter" which will
> ask
> > to type your password (eventually to enter other required parameters
> which
> > are missing)
> The best approach to the problem is IMO using an ssh agent program.
> Under unix, you can check for SSH_AGENT_PID and SSH_AUTH_SOCK
> environment variables to find the information about the program you
> should talk to. I don't know if the JCraft ssh stuff can talk to
> an agent though.
Don't think so. JSch is autonomous library.

> I also hear that there is an ssh agent (or ssh agent like, because
> of the obvious lack of unix sockets) for the M$ Windows, distributed
> as a part of the excelent PuTTY package.
> This is definetly the most interesting solution as it enables PKI
> authentication, and lifts the burden of asking for passwords from the
> application)

PKI authentication also supported by JSch and is in my code. 
You also need to provide a password (passphrase) for private key file. 

Like in http://www.tartarus.org/~simon/puttydoc/Chapter8.html#8

So basically Maven takes over the role of "Pageant" in this process.
The problem is that Pageant is long-living process while maven is not.

If somebody will find it is necessary we can think to implement
Command-line deployer which when asked to deploy a file 
will basically start a new process
(can be a batch file, executable program etc...).
This will be backward compatible with old conception
of deploying artifacts and will give the same flexibility
of setting up the security infrastructure outside of Maven.

It's an old truth: Either something is secure or is easy to use.

I wanted to make it easier to use.
My main idea was: the most of the people are using MS Windows. I want to
give them easy (out-of-the box) access to such ordinary task (from maven
perspective) as deployment of artifact to remote repository so they don't
need to install any external programs. 


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