> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2003 7:41 AM
> To: Maven Developers List
> Subject: Re: Aligning plugin artifacts with normal projects
> How would we be able to differentiate then between the properties a plugin
> exposes and those it uses for it's own purposes? The plugin plugin uses
> plugin.properties to generate docs.

I have exactly the same doubts. 

I think we should go step further and get rid of plugin.properties file...
in favour of metadata file. 
It can look like:





So when plugin is loaded all properties (native and imported from another
plugins)are directly accessibly in it's context. 

So we even don't need: 

${plugin.getProperty('maven.compile.target')} ---> ${maven.compile.target}


${pom.getPluginContext('maven-foo-plugin').getVariable('bar')}   --> ${foo}

There is one problem here: some goal's might not need some properties, so
loading them while plugin starts might be expensive. 
We I hope we can find solution for that.

It is much simpler then what you have proposed and more powerful

BTW: We anyway need plugin metadata file which can be used by IDEs.


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