> > We also need it for documentation. Its quite common for people to ask
> > 'what property do I set to do....' because there are so many
> > undocumented properties. If there was a metadata file that described
> > plugin properties, it could be used to generate the xdocs.
> There is one. It's called plugin.properties, and it can be used to
> generate the xdocs :-)
> The reason the documentation is lacking is noone has been willing to do
> it.
> --

I think we soon will need more flexibility with documentation of properties.

Sorry for being ridiculous (I know even English documentation su..)
I suppose that we might need also localized documentation of the properties
(translation) and possibly also definition of some constrains for those
properties. If we have it: we can finally imagine that somebody will
write a GUI front-end to maven which will dynamically create user interface.
I really would prefer to use maven integrated with my Eclipse :)


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