Norbert Pabiś wrote:

> Yes.
> You said you don't want users to have 20 dependencies in project.xml.
> I do not want to have any. If there will default project.xml with
> preferred versions
> with a possibility to change it - that sounds good to me.

Sounds interesting, but it's rather hard to achieve. First it would
require multi-level POM inheritance. At the momen Maven supports only
sinle level of inheritance. Second it would require intelligent merging
of dependencies: at this moment declaring any dependencies in the child
project discards all inforamtion about parent project's dependencies.
I believe that Maven will support both of these things in the future
(post 1.0, definetely). When they are in place you could have:

defaluts.xml (distributed with maven, contains deps on known good
|             plugins at the time of the release)
common.xml (settings for the whole project)
project.xml (settings for a particular module)


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