On Thu, 2003-12-04 at 18:18, Brett Porter wrote:
> > This is not directed at you exclusively. It is directed at my 
> > first attempt, Dion's subsequent attempt and your attempt. 
> > The problem with the attempts is that the core is so gory 
> > that collaboration is difficult at best.
> I understand - I really meant to explain why it is currently stalled.
> > I approach I want to take is the one that is fastest in 
> > releasing 1.0 which I would say is releasing what we have and 
> > moving on to the new stuff. I am still going to push stuff 
> > from my branch into the release and I'm sure you will too but 
> > I don't think there is any reason in pursuing the branches 
> > anymore at this point.
> I think I did a reasonable job of isolating the least risky part of the job
> while still removing the leak and doing it. It is -very close- to working
> with everything again, so I'd prefer to stick it out. Let's say until the
> end of next week. If I'm still stuck on the same problem by then, then I'll
> abandon it, roll in whatever is useful back to HEAD and we'll release it as
> RC2 as is, leaks and all, then start learning the new code :)

Sounds reasonable, even over the next couple weeks is fine.

> - Brett

Jason van Zyl

In short, man creates for himself a new religion of a rational
and technical order to justify his work and to be justified in it.
  -- Jacques Ellul, The Technological Society

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