Isn't the point here that compile scope would turn into runtime scope *when

So this is not the same as the current trick of putting
<optional>true</optional> on a dependency.

In general I am in favour if demoting dependencies to runtime when
transitive (we always warned this was the long term plan)... But I think we
do need a scope for dependencies that are an explicit contract, ie they
would *stay* compile scope, if we co that route

On Sunday, 13 April 2014, Jason van Zyl <> wrote:

> On Apr 13, 2014, at 8:11 AM, Lennart Jörelid 
> <<javascript:;>>
> wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > Let's see if we can focus on the issue at hand here.
> >
> > 12 apr 2014 kl. 16:59 skrev Jason van Zyl <<javascript:;>
> >:
> >
> >>
> >> On Apr 12, 2014, at 7:24 AM, Lennart Jörelid 
> >> <<javascript:;>>
> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Oh I know it is the recommended practise, but I believe that particular
> >>> recommendation is flawed since it does not consider the needs of *big*
> >>> systems with reactors containing lots of projects.
> >>
> >> This simply is not the case. It is precisely for manageability reasons
> in large projects that you need to be specific.
> >
> > You seem to consider transitive dependencies "unspecific" or
> "unmanageable" - as opposed to the nature of explicit dependency
> declarations repeated throughout the entire reactor. This is not the case;
> in declaring a dependency to an API project from an impl project within the
> same reactor I automatically say "I will use/import the dependencies from
> the API I am implementing" ... and then adding dependency declarations used
> only by the local impl project itself. I don't want to repeat all
> dependency definitions from the API project *again* within the impl project
> since it would only add bloat to my impl project dependency definitions.
> >
> I'm happy to chat in IRC, but in your first sentence you make an
> assumption which isn't true and then carry on to write the rest of the
> email. Transitive dependencies are certainly manageable. I am also not
> suggesting to change the current mechanics with compile scope, and I've
> never seen any OSGi project where it didn't explicitly define its direct
> requirements so I'm interested knowing you you got that working at all. And
> while this email chain could go on for days a 20 minute chat in IRC would
> be more productive. Just pop into #maven on and we can
> carry on there.
> > I believe that all of us agree that it is sensible to define a Parent
> POM containing a dependencyManagement section to harmonize versions and
> default scopes of dependencies used throughout the reactor. This implies
> that all [external] dependencies within POMs in the reactor are defined on
> the form
> >
> >        <dependency>
> >            <groupId>org.slf4j</groupId>
> >            <artifactId>slf4j-api</artifactId>
> >        </dependency>
> >
> > What you are suggesting is that we should change the current mechanics
> of Maven within compile scope (but not runtime/test scope since we would
> actually need the transitive dependencies there, if I understand your
> suggestion correctly) to force us to repeat all dependency definitions
> already present within projects I depend upon. I'm saying this is a poor
> idea, since it will require maven users to repeat the dependency (such as
> the example above) in all projects within the reactor - even if they depend
> on other projects in the reactor that already defined it. Your suggestion
> of ignoring today's transitive dependencies in compile scope would only
> make sense if you believe that the majority of people using Maven out there
> do not understand transitive dependencies at all .... implying we should make
> them repeat dependency mechanics "for clarity". In my view, this is an
> incorrect assumption.
> >
> > Let's compare the tasks required for refactoring a big reactor with the
> two mechanics:
> >
> > Whenever I would like to change the version of the slf4j-api within my
> reactor I still would need only change the dependencyManagement element in
> the parent POM. No change from today's mechanics there.
> > Whenever I would like to change the actual dependency from slf4j-api to
> something else I would need to change the code in all projects. No change
> from today.
> > If I use today's transitive dependency mechanics, I could need to alter
> the actual dependency definition in 1 project within the reactor if I so
> choose. With your suggestion I would have to change the dependency in all
> 402 projects within the reactor instead. I'm suggestion therefore that this
> is a pretty poor idea since all projects require the slf4j-api during
> runtime anyways, implying that the explicit dependency definition in all
> the projects is completely redundant information. Having the version
> defined within the parent's DependencyManagement and the dependency itself
> defined within a project I depend upon is sufficient, and requires no
> declaration repetition.
> > Your suggestion is a change in current maven mechanics which makes sense
> only for reasons of internal Maven development, but no sense for the
> *users* of Maven. That is why I suggest that your view would be impractical
> for a sensible way forwards.
> >
> >> Projects with 100, or 200, or 500 projects. If you do not declare your
> direct dependencies all manner of problems abound.
> >
> > Not at all. My last project built 402 OSGi compliant JARs without any
> problem using the current (transitive dependency) mechanics.
> > Going for your suggestion to change the maven mechanics would have
> caused us loads of extra, unnecessary work since any form of refactoring in
> terms of dependencies would have required us not only to change the code
> but also a flush of POMs. The current Maven mechanics for transitive
> dependencies implies we didn't have to change the slush of POMs and
> therefore saved us loads of work.
> >
> > Moreover, I am grateful that each POM defines only the dependencies
> unique to that project - implying I can easily see which dependencies are
> added in a chain of dependent projects within a reactor. This becomes
> difficult with your suggestion, since POMs would be cluttered with the
> transitive dependency definitions of its dependent projects.
> >
> >> The problem of repeating the version of a particular dependency, which
> is really the important aspect, is mitigated by dependencyManagement but a
> project should always declare its dependencies.
> >
> > Noone is arguing (I certainly hope) that you should avoid defining
> dependencies within the dependencyManagement section of a parent POM.
> > That is a completely separate issue from having to repeat existing
> transitive dependency declarations within all POMs in a reactor.
> >
> >>> Basically the recommendation is to repeat some information (i.e.
> dependency
> >>> specs) which is already implied/required (by depending on a project
> where
> >>> the information is already provided).
> >>>
> >>
> >> We are not. One project cannot imply the requirements of another.
> >
> > Uhm ... yes, in terms of [transitive] Dependencies which we are discussing
> here.
> > If project A depend on project B which itself Thanks,
> Jason
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Jason van Zyl
> Founder,  Apache Maven
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> What matters is not ideas, but the people who have them. Good people can
> fix bad ideas, but good ideas can't save bad people.
>  -- Paul Graham

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