No, it will be 3.2.4. 

On Dec 13, 2014, at 3:52 PM, Stephen Connolly <> 

> Iirc we said not reusing version numbers after a .0 so this will be 3.2.5,
> yes?
> On Saturday, December 13, 2014, Jason van Zyl <> wrote:
>> The fixes have been made, I'll recut the release.
>> On Dec 13, 2014, at 9:44 AM, Igor Fedorenko <
>> <javascript:;>> wrote:
>>> I've already reintroduced DefaultJavaToolChain and Tycho is happy now
>> [1].
>>> Tycho needs access to DefaultJavaToolChain#getJavaHome() which, to the
>>> best of my knowledge, is not available from any other API, is not
>>> available through ToolchainManager.
>>> I don't believe Tycho references JavaToolChain interface. As a side
>>> note, in the future we should avoid case-only renames like
>>> JavaToolChain->JavaToolchain, these cause problems on case-insensitive
>>> filesystems, like the ones used by Windows and OSX.
>>> We don't distinguish between public and internal classes in Maven, at
>>> least not generally. There are few classes that are explicitly marked as
>>> @provisional, like ArtifactDescriptorReaderDelegate for example, but
>>> this is not enforced and majority of classes are not marked in any way.
>>> I agree we need to have a mechanism to distinguish between public and
>>> internal classes and I have few ideas to do this, but I don't think we
>>> can do this retroactively. We have to keep most/all existing classes and
>>> treat them as public API, unfortunately. Maybe mark them as deprecated
>>> when we know we will likely change them in the future, but any real
>>> change has to wait Maven 4, and I am not sure we'll be able to afford
>>> massive breakage even then.
>>> [1]
>>> --
>>> Regards,
>>> Igor
>>> On 2014-12-13, 9:04, Hervé BOUTEMY wrote:
>>>> ok, I had a look at Tycho sources:
>>>> this is something introduced recently (10/10/2014): IIUC, Tycho 0.22.0
>> was
>>>> released since then
>>>> I'm surprised of tycho-core's ToolchainProvider: IIUC, that's a rewrite
>> of a
>>>> part of maven-toochains-plugin, depending on ToolchainManagerPrivate
>> which is
>>>> not part of public API
>>>> IIUC, the intent was to get the configured toolchain: since then, I
>> wrote a
>>>> little doc for that [1] to show how to use ToolchainManager to do
>> exactly that
>>>> using normal Maven API
>>>> Notice this won't fix everything, since:
>>>> 1. Tycho needs JavaToochain, which has been renamed (Toolchain vs
>> ToolChain)
>>>> 2. the interface doesn't offer expected getJavaHome() API
>>>> Then you'll need to cast to DefaultJavaToolChain, which will need to be
>> added
>>>> back to maven-core: I'll do it immediately.
>>>> I don't know the Tycho community, but using ToolchainManager would IMHO
>> be
>>>> more future-proof than writing ToolchainProvider
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Hervé
>>>> [1]
>>>> Le samedi 13 décembre 2014 09:13:50 Hervé BOUTEMY a écrit :
>>>>> DefaultJavaToolChain? you mean the implementation?
>>>>> Can you give me pointers to the Tycho sources that use this API?
>>>>> (that's clearly not expected)
>>>>> I'm in favor of introducing deprecated DefaultJavaToolChain
>>>>> that extends the new implementation, which is easy to do: just need to
>>>>> understand how it is used in Tycho, since the class is supposed to be
>> used
>>>>> by JavaToolchainFactory (on only this one).
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Hervé
>>>>> Le vendredi 12 décembre 2014 18:38:44 Igor Fedorenko a écrit :
>>>>>> Unfortunately, I have to take this back. The changes to toolchain
>>>>>> broke Tycho and, short of using reflection, I don't see how
>>>>>> to make Tycho work with maven 3.2.4 and earlier versions of Maven.
>>>>>> For better or worse,
>>>>>> was part of
>>>>>> Maven API since 2.x and I don't think we can just remove the class.
>>>>>> I see two ways to fix this. Either we rename the classes back, which
>> is
>>>>>> probably the easiest. Or we introduce deprecated DefaultJavaToolChain
>>>>>> that extends the new implementation.
>>>>>> Here is my -1 for releasing 3.2.4 in its current state.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Igor
>>>>>> On 2014-12-12, 18:01, Igor Fedorenko wrote:
>>>>>>> +1
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Igor
>>>>>>> On 2014-12-12, 16:54, Jason van Zyl wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> Time to release Maven 3.2.4!
>>>>>>>> Here is a link to Jira with 20 issues resolved:
>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>> =20574
>>>>>>>> Staging repo:
>>>>>>>> The distributable binaries and sources for testing can be found
>> here:
>>>>>>>> e/
>>>>>>>> maven/apache-maven/3.2.4/
>>>>>>>> Specifically the zip, tarball, and source archives can be found
>> here:
>>>>>>>> e/
>>>>>>>> maven/apache-maven/3.2.4/
>>>>>>>> e/
>>>>>>>> maven/apache-maven/3.2.4/apache-maven-3.2.4-bin.tar.gz
>>>>>>>> e/
>>>>>>>> maven/apache-maven/3.2.4/
>>>>>>>> e/
>>>>>>>> maven/apache-maven/3.2.4/apache-maven-3.2.4-src.tar.gz
>>>>>>>> Source release checksum(s):
>>>>>>>> sha1:
>>>>>>>> db5fb9feda693f05fe7effaf096d6cd4dd5eff44
>>>>>>>> Staging site:
>>>>>>>> Vote open for 72 hours.
>>>>>>>> [ ] +1
>>>>>>>> [ ] +0
>>>>>>>> [ ] -1
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> The Maven Team
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>> Thanks,
>> Jason
>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>> Jason van Zyl
>> Founder,  Apache Maven
>> ---------------------------------------------------------
>> The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in
>> moral philosophy; that is,
>> the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.
>> -- John Kenneth Galbraith
> -- 
> Sent from my phone



Jason van Zyl
Founder,  Apache Maven

To think is easy. To act is hard. But the hardest thing in the world is to act 
in accordance with your thinking.

 -- Johann von Goethe

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