Op Wed, 07 Oct 2015 19:45:03 +0200 schreef Andreas Gudian <andreas.gud...@gmail.com>:

I was the last one doing a release there, primarily fixing some issues that
blocked it from being much of use for Java 8 projects that share the
.project / .classpath files in SCM. I still stand by the reasoning that I
had the last time, of why there is still the need for it - despite the
great lengths that m2e has come.

But I can totally welcome the idea to donate it to Mojohaus, where it
whould be more open to changes by users who want to chip in. Because let's
face it, I didn't even get to fix the formality issues that Karl-Heinz
found during the vote of that last release... :-/

So, +1 on retring and donating it.

Btw, are there any changes after the last release that require an
additional release now?

Based on the svn log all changes after 2.10 had nothing to do with the maven-eclipse-plugin itself.


2015-10-06 22:54 GMT+02:00 Michael Osipov <micha...@apache.org>:

Am 2015-10-04 um 11:18 schrieb Robert Scholte:


during the latest upgrade of the plugin-parent I faced several issues
with the maven-eclipse-plugin.
It will take quite some time to fix these issues, but is it worth
maintaining it here?
Nowadays the Maven support for Eclipse is good and stable.
The maven-eclipse-plugin has a lot of integration tests which should be
rewritten, because it always launches a new Maven fork and it takes ages
to complete. This simply blocks good continuous integration of the
I know there are still some projects with can't use the Maven
Integration of Eclipse and depend on this plugin, so the sources need to
stay available for users so the can extend it for their own usage.

I therefor propose that we retire maven-eclipse-plugin for the Apache
Maven project and donate it to the Mojohaus project

If this vote is successful I will make one final release of the plugin,
it clear on the plugin site that it has been retired. After that the
source code
will be moved into the "retired" area in Subversion.

The process for retiring a plugin is described here:

The vote is open for 72 hours.

[X] +1 Yes, it's about time

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