Am 07/28/16 um 18:21 schrieb Christian Schulte:
> Am 07/28/16 um 17:37 schrieb Andreas Sewe:
>> Jason van Zyl wrote:
>>> It’s all Maven specific, it’s always been Maven specific and that’s
>>> unlikely to change after how many years? Even if it can employ
>>> different strategies it’s still the Maven Artifact Resolution API. No
>>> one is going to use this API to resolve from NuGet, NPMJS, PyPi or
>>> anything else. Let’s just make it better for our specific use cases
>>> instead of imagining this is going to be a general purpose tool. It
>>> is clear that this never happened and probably never will.
>> I think the confusion stems from the fact that there is both Maven (the
>> tool) and the Maven repository format (the combination of directory
>> structure, maven-metadata.xml, checksums files, etc.).
>> The API we are talking about is for the Maven repository format and not
>> some other repository format (like p2, NuGet, ...). It may be used by
>> Maven *and* other tools (like Gradle, sbt, ...). In that sense, it is
>> *not* specific to the Maven tool, but it is specific to the Maven
>> repository format. Hence, calling it something with Maven in the name
>> makes sense to me.
> +1
>> FWIW, we (the Eclipse Code Recommenders project) have been using (first
>> Sonatype, then Eclipse) Aether since ~2010 to download recommendation
>> models stored in a repository which does follow the Maven repository
>> format, but which does not store your typical artifacts (JARs with
>> pom.xml). If that use case is still supported by the new API, I really
>> don't care how the API is called. ;-)
> +1
> It's an abstraction to access Maven(-format) repositories in a
> consistent way. Project name could be "Maven Repositories" and the
> artifacts could be
> maven-repositories-api
> maven-repositories-impl
> maven-repositories-utilities
> etc.
> No need to add "API" to the project name. It's more than that. In the
> end, it's just a name. We should avoid what was done in the past and try
> to use a self-describing name. We had to tell people what "Aether"
> stands for every now and then. This should be avoided.
> Regards,

Group-Id: org.apache.maven.shared.repositories
Artifact-Id: maven-repositories-api, maven-repositories-impl, etc.

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