Using the scm is not enough or it is for single module projects.

You have to have a graph of dependencies (inputs/outputs) and save each
task state in target to have incremental support

But please note incremental build is != parallel build at mojo level.

This last one is easy to do and a quick win IMHO

Le sam. 8 déc. 2018 00:50, Tibor Digana <> a écrit :

> In my projects, the most plugins use single execution.
> External projects also have this kind of principle.
> Thus we should have a look in those possibilities where the most plugins
> can gain the performance.
> Usually the compiler and tests take long.
> I know that maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.1 will be incremental which is good
> of course but we should perhaps continue with gaining the build
> performance.
> If somebody has an idea on how to develop a compiler which partially
> compiles a module depending on SCM changes, feel free to bring it to our
> mailing list. The same with tests where the set of tests is changed
> depending on SCM changes.
> Cheers
> Tibor
> On Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 2:21 PM Romain Manni-Bucau <>
> wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> >
> > there is no way to parallelize not conflicting tasks for a same phase at
> > the moment right? Any way it gets under the radar?
> >
> > A common example is to run all code analyzis concurrently (findbugs, pmd,
> > checkstyle, ...) at the same time without waiting for one then the other
> > etc since all can be very long.
> >
> > It could be nice an fancy to define part of the reactor parallelisablity
> in
> > the pom, like:
> >
> > <plan>
> >     <parallel>
> >         <phase>process-sources</phase>
> >         <executions>
> >             <execution>
> >               <groupId>...</groupId>
> >               <artifactId>...</artifactId>
> >               <version>...</version>
> >               <id>...</id>
> >             <execution>
> >             <execution>
> >               <groupId>...</groupId>
> >               <artifactId>...</artifactId>
> >               <version>...</version>
> >               <id>...</id>
> >             <execution>
> >         </executions>
> >     </parallel>
> > </plan>
> >
> > anything to enhance it?
> >
> > Romain Manni-Bucau
> > @rmannibucau <> |  Blog
> > <> | Old Blog
> > <> | Github <
> >> |
> > LinkedIn <>
> >

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